Saturday, May 8, 2010


Life is strange.. so strange that sometimes you spend four years hating a particular place and trying to convince yourself that the time would fly by all too soon and when it actually does you end up feeling sad ..perhaps a bit too sad at the very thought of not staying at that place any more.

Today while writing my last mid-sem examination, I had to pause for as long as an hour to look around and take in of all that would be my very last sessional at this institute that I always thought I so hated.
What are these strange feelings? Something beyond my understanding. All I know is that whatever I felt for this college for the past four years was perhaps not quite as real as I believed it to be.

I am actually going to miss being at this college.
I am going to miss bunking classes.
I am going to miss sleeping till noon and missing all the important lectures.
I'll miss copying all those hideous tutorials and assignments.
I'll miss the joy of an unexpected free lecture and the good news of the absence of a teacher.
I am going to miss the sudden announcement of a holiday the next day.
I am going to miss the Monday outings.
I am going to miss the labs where we did nothing but talk.
I am going to miss the 10 minute tea break we all so eagerly looked forward to.
I am going to miss the arguments with my friends.
I am going to miss eating with my friends from the same plate.....

Its hard to believe I'll miss all this and more, still harder to actually leave.


Atul Kumar Singh said...

jyada senti ho rahi ho.....
college se ja rahi ho , to rula ke jaane ka irada hain kya?????

Atul Kumar Singh said...

But really yaar.......
it's really heart touching

Shobhita said...

thanks Atul
haa thodi senti to ho ri hu :)

m.flowerr said...

yea....such are college days:-0

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