Its 5:33 in the morning. I am writing at this hour as I have nothing better to do right now. I was awake all night and was looking out of the window. I noticed the black of the night turn into the blue of the early morning. I can stay up all night if I want to. However waking up early in the morning is a big NO. If I happened to wake up early or stay up all night, back at home or even at the hostel, I used to hear the chirping birds. Its quiet out here. In fact, I haven't even seen many birds around, except for the pigeons that haunt the washroom at night.
I wish I could get a pup to play with. Few days ago, I went to a pet shop to play with one. He was such a sweet little thing.......... I miss my pet, Candy. Nobody to lick my hands when I return from work. I could play with the street dogs too, but then again I haven't seen many.
I think I will go out for a walk ...
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