Monday, October 8, 2012

Better than words

I use words to express myself. But at some point, words fail. When I pick up my pen to write but words don't come. And then I realize that all that is left is music. Music does not need words. But words need music to be meaningful. Not every body can understand music, the depth of it. I myself don't know much about it. What I do know is that sometimes I cant sleep because of a simple song. I have to listen to it over and over again and I cry. I don't always know why. Sometimes I smile as music calms my soul. Music is magical. If anything could be magical then it has to be music. It does not need any words. There cannot be a better way of expression. It has existed forever. It has to be magical.    

Monday, August 27, 2012

Reviewing my life in the last two years

This is my last week at office. One and a half year flew by pretty quickly. It seems as if it was only yesterday when I finished college and now its time to move on to another phase of life. I am not easily scared but this fear of the unknown has successfully managed to introduce me to worried, sleepless nights. I don't know what lies ahead. One thing I do know is that I will not be alone, and that makes me feel much better. Anyways, the last two years have taught me that every single moment of life is precious. We may not get everything in our life but whatever we had, have or will have is what was, is or will be best for us. I don't regret anything that I did in these two years! Everything that happened, happened for a purpose. I made new friends, I lost some. I learned to love. I learned that hate is an extreme form of love. I learned that sacrifices have to be made to move ahead in life. Most of all I now know that I am in no position to judge anybody. As I often say, good and bad are relative terms. But the last two years have made me understand what this last line actually means.
Every little bit of my life is important. The past makes me laugh, smile, cry, remember, gain courage and gives me the strength to move on. The present makes me hope for an even better tomorrow. Its true that in the end, people regret what they didnt do more than what they did. As of now, I am glad I did whatever my heart told me to do and I wouldn't change a thing because I did whatever I could. Life is driven by love. Every step we take is an act of love, towards ourselves, our family, our friends or our life partner. And what is driven by love can never be wrong.  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What do you think?

For those who believe.. life is not just about having fun and doing things you like.. because at one point of time in life.. we all wonder why we exist. If at that point we choose to do something worthwhile, life changes drastically... from being inspired we become the inspiration. We may however choose to do nothing. It all comes down to the fact that a day will come where we will all have to go back in time and remember everything that we did.. Will you be ashamed of your life or will you be proud..? Will you be glad you did what you did or will you regret that you never tried?

Friday, July 20, 2012


When we were young and fools in love
And cupid laughed from up above
We had a plan to love, laugh and smile
Life had other plans, appeared in a while
It was gone forever, all that we knew
A life began where friends were few
Its true most things don’t last forever
But it’s a good thing we can remember
What couldn’t last will never fade
As we smile at the happiness we made

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Through Tinted Glass

Silent sea, calm is the breeze
Happy birds surround tall, swaying trees
Golden sun, lush green is the grass
As I see the world through tinted glass

I see a world of beauty, love and trust
The tinted glass wipes out the dust
It shows what I want to see and feel
Though what looks pretty may not always be real

As I look through the glass, I see
A girl who looks a lot like me
I see her smile as she looks around
She is glad in this world she has finally found

What lies beyond may be unreal
But it’s the only place that won’t reveal
The fear that tears at her heart and soul
She is sure only the surreal can hide this hole

When all of a sudden you come into her life
You hold her hand and end her strife
You take the tinted glass and throw it away
"You don't need it anymore", to her you say....

I smile as I look at your hand in mine
I realize that now everything looks fine
The world looks better when you're with me
And that I don't need a tinted glass to see

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I am just being me

There were good things I should have said
but I didn't say
There were difficult times when I should have prayed
but I didn't pray
There were kind deeds I should have done
but I didnt do
There were times I shouldn't have lied
but I wasn't true
There are moments when I don't know what is right
what is wrong
There are situations where I look frail and weak
but I am strong
There are days when I wonder
why you love me
There are many good things that I am not
but I could be
Instead I am bad, mad and crazy
but I am just being me 

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