I sat still waiting for something to happen. Something that was not going to happen for the next half an hour. The alarm was set at 5:30 and it was only 5:00. I was staring at the wall, wondering how my life had changed in the past few days. A month and a half ago I was always late for college and now I wake up at 5:30 to reach office on time. Time is a strict teacher and does not give up on its students. I do enjoy my work but waking up at an hour as early as 5:30 is something I can never enjoy. So, at 5:30 I decided that I had had enough of this 'early to rise' crap. I decided to take the day off, texted one of my colleagues that I wasn't well and went back to sleep.
The office.
I don't talk much, instead I prefer listening to people around me. This is probably the one reason why my colleagues consider me an introvert. My friends know better. Sometimes I feel sick of all the gossip. This is something my friend, Rakhi and I used to quote a lot
back at college
"Great minds discuss Ideas, Average minds discuss Events and Small minds discuss People". We would say it aloud together, call ourselves people with 'small minds' and laugh. After a small group discussion at one training session, somebody told me that I should not pretend to be sweet and innocent because I am not. This very person had called me an introvert an hour ago. I smiled and thought to myself that out of so many people at the office, there is at least one who knows that behind all the silence is a sea of thoughts. I don't pretend anything. I just don't like to share my views with people, who I feel wont agree. However, there are times when it is difficult for me to shut up, but naturally under different circumstances.
We are still under training and our batch and batch-mates keep changing every now and then. My colleagues from my first batch had vowed to keep in touch and nobody really did. Everyone wants to keep in touch but not everyone has got the time and money for it. Sometimes, we meet in the cafeteria and shake hands. There is this wonderful piece of advice my trainer once gave us
"Be friendly, don't be friends". There are no friends where you work. I will always remember this.